Write for us
We are always looking for hobbyists, enthusiasts, and collector who love power tools, are willing to share their knowledge. As such Onlinetoolreviews.com is currently accepting submissions from writers who can offer high-quality, original posts and articles on all things related to workshop tools.
This is the type of content we are looking for …
- Informational
- Projects
- How To’s
- Woodworking
- Product Reviews – Must be unbiased. We want pro’s and con’s – No sales pitch.
- Tips or Tricks
Content guidelines:
- 100% Original Content
- Articles of at least 1,500 words
- Articles must include one relevant image per 250 words.
- You must either have the right to use that image or use copyright free images
- Include image source
- Your submission must be unique, original, relevant, and not published on any other blog or website (including your own blog). Spun content will not be considered.
- You can add only one link in the article.
- Content/link cannot be unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar, profane, obscene, libelous, invasive of another’s privacy, hateful, embarrassing, harmful to minors, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable to any other person or entity.
- We have right to edit the article to make better fit with our site’s content.
- Submit informational not any type of promotional content.
- Use of bullets, lists and short paragraphs is highly encouraged as it makes reading much easier.
If you would like to submit your guest post for review, please email editor@onlinetoolreviews.com
Search Terms – Help you find us
- “guest post opportunities”
- “this is a guest post by”
- “contributing writer”
- “want to write for”
- “submit blog post”
- “contribute to our site”
- “become an author”
- “become a contributor”
- “submit guest post”
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